Commercial Real-Estate Loans

Reliable & Agile Solutions

ValStone Partners seeks to acquire debt for virtually all real estate property types—including performing, sub-performing and non-performing loans. We also make funding options available to developers and owners of commercial properties throughout North America.

This includes:

Bridge Loans

Short-term loans used until permanent financing is secured or an existing obligation is removed.

Loan Servicing

Collecting interest, principal, and escrow payments from borrowers.

Mezzanine Debt

Debt or preferred equity that represents a claim on a company’s assets.

Structured Equity

Combining market-level risk with the opportunity for above-market returns.

Loan Sale Advisory

Providing loan sale services and facilitating the entire loan sale process.

Joint Venture Equity

Commercial real estate owners and developers structuring new, or recapitalizing existing, projects.

Construction Financing

Short-term financing for the construction of real estate projects.

Contact Us

ValStone Partners is interested in building new relationships with potential operating partners, investment bankers, business brokers, turnaround professionals, lenders, mortgage brokers and real estate brokers. All inquiries will be kept in strict confidence.

For general inquiries, please email us at, otherwise fill out the form below.